Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Welcome to the Tech Savvy Learning Community of 2006

Welcome to an exciting inquiry of 21st century learning. The fact that you have chosen to join us on this journey means that you have the type of pioneering spirit that is needed to teach and learn using 21st century tools. During this journey you will get a chance to explore and practice using many emerging technologies. Part of your journey will be to ask questions about the possible impact of these tools on teaching and learning.

Two important tools that will be central to this journey will be
1) This blog - which will be used to communicate news about the journey. I would suggest either checking here often for news (or) subscribing to the blog via email (this will alert you by email when a new message is posted here)

2) Our Moodle Site - an online environment that lends itself well to the process of learning and collaborating

More tools will be introduced as we proceed through our journey. Don't be afraid to call me at home or school if you need help. One thing you will be guaranteed if you join this group is as much support as you need to be successful.